
I’ll help you not only answer the “what” questions, but also the “why” questions.

Compulsive Sexual Behavior

Overcome the shame and guilt.


Are you engaging in behaviors that you wish you could stop, but are unable to?

The core question is not whether or not pornography, strip clubs, affairs, or anonymous “hook-ups” is wrong. The core question is “Why do I keep doing this?” That question gets asked over and over without an answer. 

Research confirms overwhelmingly that the majority of sexually addictive behaviors are rooted in early childhood trauma and/or attachment issues, many times stemming from overly rigid or disengaging family systems. Long-term, lasting sobriety from sexually addictive behaviors includes not only implementing effective systems to help you avoid these behaviors (the “what’s”), but also to gain healing from traumatic wounds that happened earlier in life (the “why’s”).


Partner/Spouse of the Addict

Find support and treatment for partners and/or spouses suffering from betrayal trauma.


Partner betrayal trauma is relational trauma which is created by broken trust, unfaithfulness and a loss of confidence in your partnership, relationship, or marriage. This trauma can be caused by things like spousal neglect, cheating, infidelity, dishonesty, deception, romantic relationship betrayal, rejection, or other circumstances which cause you to lose faith in your partner or significant other.

If you have been betrayed by your spouse or significant other by infidelity, sex addiction or intimacy anorexia, you have certainly experienced the effects of partner betrayal trauma. Your trust was abused, betrayed, and discarded.

Your betrayal is real. It is not just real personally but also real statistically. You’re not the same person before and after trauma. You have been impacted significantly. You most likely have post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptoms, depression and your trust has been violated at every level.

Your partner betrayal trauma is unique to you and your journey to heal will be unique as well.

You will begin to understand the true nature of forgiveness, find your voice and learn how to establish healthy boundaries in your relationships. You will also see how the pain of another person’s addiction has deepened your own wounds from the past.


Marriage & Relationships

Learn how to truly love and connect with your spouse again.


Long-standing research shows that happy, successful couples engage in happy moments together.

Sometimes, the ability to effectively connect with your spouse is lost. Hurt, anger and defensiveness often make it difficult to truly hear and be heard by each other.

When you start to work on your marriage in couples counseling, you’ll learn effective communication skills, understand how to create and express reasonable and achievable expectations, and how to effectively resolve conflict.



You no longer have to feel stuck.


It’s my honor to guide you as you seek to heal from your past traumatic experiences.

By using clinically proven, gentle and compassionate methods, you’ll begin to understand how those past traumatic events have negatively shaped your thinking and behaviors, as well as learn new, positive ways of thinking and living.

You can recover from all that happened to you.


Pastoral Counseling

Therapeutic help integrated with a strong faith system.


Get help with a biblical perspective.

After being a pastor of a Bible-teaching church for 13 years, I know that it can often be confusing to determine what God’s will is for your life. I offer pastoral counseling for those seeking clarification and direction from a biblical perspective.

“Joy is the serious business of Heaven.” -C.S. Lewis


Addictive Behavior

Freedom IS available for you, no matter what you’re struggling with.


Want to enjoy long-term sobriety? Life is way too short to spend another day at war with yourself…

It doesn’t matter if it’s substance abuse (alcohol and/or drugs) or behavioral abuse (gambling, spending, etc.), when you’re struggling with addictive behaviors, you often feel trapped and alone.

Using a variety of counseling theories tailored to meet your unique needs and a proven 12-step group process, I can help you find and experience long-term sobriety.

Questions before getting started?

Get in touch.